The consequences of yesterday\’s data dump begin materializing. I just received an email from \”Desjardins\” asking me to re-activate my account due to a connection error during my last login attempt.
I specifically isolated the url link to see how it behaves, so I can report it to the RCMP. Desjardins surprisingly doesn\’t give you a way to report fraud if you are not already prejudiced as a victim (i.e. when it is too late). The whole point is not to become a victim as it can be a tremendous waste of time and you may never recover.
As expected, the phishing link redirects three of four times from the initial URL (I won\’t include url\’s here) until it lands on a page posing as a mirror of Desjardins\’ connection page.

This tactic was very popular until 2019 on Tor markets for the purpose of stealing cryptowallets. However, Tor offered anonymity and encryption safeguards against cyberfraud, which is not the case when banks leak your data.
This is how the REAL Desjardins page looks as of this morning. The only difference is the URL address.

I can\’t post the content of the phishing email because it appears encrypted on pasting.
To access the anti-fraud reporting center of the RCMP, you must log in through your GC code or government sign-in through a partner (kind of cringy when the partner is Desjardins)