A short thread about what is perhaps the most successful cyber attack in the history of any nation state conducted by a group called “Belarusian Cyber-partisans”. Last month they hacked the servers of Belarusian police and the Interior Ministry. 1/6 pic.twitter.com/3QPaEYHten
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021
First they’ve downloaded the entire “АИС Паспорт” database which contains all personal details of every Belarusian citizen including passport photos, home address, place of work (including those with restricted access who work in KGB and other special services) 2/6 pic.twitter.com/Mz9GTKbTgf
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021
They’ve also downloaded the last 10 years of emergency calls history which contains all personal details of regime supporters who reported their coworkers and neighbours for wearing white-red-white colours and similar “crimes”. 3/6 pic.twitter.com/KCtxA3gvW2
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021
Cyber-partisans hacked the entire police database and got access to cameras (at police stations, prisons and even police drones), restricted information about the work history of every police officer (their cases, offences they committed etc). 4/6 pic.twitter.com/B6uSLOWhyt
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021
They’ve downloaded all the details of the so-called IT-platoon who run pro-regime telegram channels and post torture videos and other shock content. Cyber-partisans even got access to cameras on their computers and filmed them at work. 5/6 pic.twitter.com/1iRzZxWpg4
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021
And perhaps most importantly they got access to terabytes of tapped phone calls of regime opponents as well as its supports (can’t be too careful, right?) Here Luka’s spokesperson asking the head of Minsk SWAT to cover them while she’s out “human hunting” opposition activists 6/6 pic.twitter.com/C9ae9IQSv0
— Tadeusz Giczan (@TadeuszGiczan) August 9, 2021